Climate change is now a reality; population and economy is rising and with them the HVACR industry. But, ironically, the more we rely on energy-intensive air conditioners and industrial thermal need, the more the planet warms. What are the other options?
There are innovative business and distribution models out there to fight climate change and meeting these needs at the same time!
Energy & HVACR, Innovation + Strategic Planning
-Master in Finance.
-Bachelor of Science in Chemistry.
Minor in Electrochemistry.
-Director of Energy efficiency and Climate change at Innovatorio.
-American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers
(ASHRAE) Full member and volunteer in several positions since 2014.
-President 2017-2018 of ASHRAE Monterrey Chapter.
-Regional Communications Chair of ASHRAE Region VIII (Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas).
- ASHRAE Global Communications Committe Member 2021-2022.
- Energy efficiency consultant for the Energy Department of the State Government
-Committee Member at Energy Cluster of Nuevo León.
-Committee Member at Home appliance Cluster of Nuevo León.
-Energy Efficiency Consultant at State Government Energy Department (2018-2021).
-REN21 reviewer.
-Technical Author.
-Science Enthusiast.